Donegal Bay Rowing Club Clg

Founded 1973

Co. Donegal


Do I need to be able to swim to row?
It would be our preference that you can swim or are willing to learn how to swim on joining the rowing club. We have had members who cannot swim but they subsequently learned how to swim so they could conduct capazise drills in our boats.

How do I join the club?
Firstly complete the online membership application. We will access your application and if we have coach capacity in the club we will accept your membership. We then will start by instructing on technique on a rowing machine with one of our Rowing Ireland qualified coaches. On successful completion of this training we will start on the water training again with qualified coaches.

Do I need any equipment for rowing?
For membership of the rowing club you will need a suitable buoyancy jacket. We have a deal with a local business Emerald Trading who supply all our members with a discounted jacket for their age and size. Your own buoyancy jacket is compulsory for on the water training. During covid restrictions you will also need a face mask.

I would like to kayak or paddle can I do this with the rowing club?
Donegal Bay Rowing Club is a rowing club. We are not involved with kayaking or paddleboarding etc. We have no affialiation with any other waterports clubs locally. We do not kayak or paddle. Our coaches will use kayaks from time to time for coaching or safety but the club does not use these craft. The storage of personal craft at the pier is forbidden for our members as space is so limited at the pier, and the storage of these craft is unsighly. 

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